Wednesday, June 23, 2010

CHIMES JUNE 2010: Online Version of the DELC Newsletter

From the Pastor
Going with the Times

Fashions come and go.  Take men’s hair cuts, for example. In the nineteen fifties short, “crew cut” hair was the norm for men and boys. Those who wanted to make a statement grew pompadours and sideburns. In the late sixties and seventies long hair was fashionable. In the eighties “mullets” became the rage (short on top, long at the back). In the nineties and beyond, no hair became the trend!  Men who appear in eighties style hair these days tend to get noticed, and perhaps even invite a few chuckles. This is because they haven’t gone “with the times” and adapted to the latest trends dictated by contemporary culture. It is true that, in the world of fashion, not keeping up with the latest style can be costly.
            Some have made the same observation about the Christian Church. Some see much about the Christian Church as “old fashioned” and out of step with the times. Some say that in order to attract a younger generation, the church needs to revise its teachings and practices to be more relevant—that the church change according to the dictates of contemporary culture and society.
            But sisters and brothers, this kind of thinking is nowhere to be found in Scripture! Yes, it is true that the Gospel (the Good News) is proclaimed in specific times and places. God’s Word speaks to specific people in languages  which they can understand.  This is why there is such a wide variety of worship style in  Christianity.  Christian music, for examples, ranges from Gregorian chants, Bach cantatas, old time gospel,  to more contemporary expressions like rap.  Some congregations have a lot of liturgy while some have little. Preachers are constantly challenged to bring relevance to their messages.
But this is not to say that the Christian Church ought to follow the lead of surrounding society! As Paul tells  the Colossians, “ Set your minds on the things that are above, not on things that are on earth, for you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God.”( 3:2). Christians, given their true identities by Jesus Christ, are called to be beacons of light in a world of darkness. God has created the Church to proclaim the Gospel and to live it out in action. In doing so, communities in Christ will face much opposition. Some  people will, sadly, turn away. Panic can set in and, soon, church leaders begin to ask: “  What are we doing wrong?”  Under these circumstances, we need to be reminded of Paul’s words to the Corinthians: “ So we do not lose heart. Even though our outer nature is wasting away, our inner nature is being renewed day by day. For this slight momentary affliction is preparing us for an eternal weight of glory beyond all measure, because we look not at what can be seen but at what cannot be seen; for what can be seen is temporary, but what cannot be seen is eternal.”( I Corinthians 4:16-18).  Yes, change can be necessary, good, and life-giving. But any  change within the church must be moved by the Word of God. It must be scripturally rooted and theologically justified. Simply “going with the times,”  cannot be our motive. Let us keep our hearts and minds on the eternal truth proclaimed to us, and be bold in proclaiming this truth to others!

Yours in Christ,
Pastor Thomas

From the President

Dear Friends in Christ of Dunbar Lutheran

How quickly the months have passed – it’s almost the end of June and only 6 months left in 2010.  Also – it is almost a full year since Pastor Thomas accepted our call to Dunbar .  On Sunday, June 13th I was glad to report as Stewardship Chairman that out giving was about $6,000 over our budget for 2010 – up to June 8th.  However, the not so good news is that while our giving is up, we still have a shortfall of $7,700.00 up to June 8th.  Thanks to everyone who supports our church ministry and please don’t forget our church when you go on holidays or are away – our costs continue and we need your support and prayers.  As I mentioned last Sunday – our church is completely supported by the congregation – that is each and every person you see on Sunday morning.  We do not receive any financial assistance from the synod, government or any other agency.

Big news for Ute and I –we have bought a house in Ladner , BC .  It is a large, beautiful home on one acre of land.  Now I can have a big vegetable garden and a real fruit orchard.  The new property even has a small greenhouse.  It needs some work but I look forward to spending more time gardening and a little less time at work.  But Dunbar will always be our church home, and it’s less than 30 minutes from our new home in Ladner to church.

I am still working on the vacant lot with the City of Vancouver and the BC Land Registry and while it has been frustrating at times, I am determined to get it all done.   

I am really excited about our church stained glass windows – Richard has agreed to take over the job of coordinating this project.  Richard has experience with stained glass and I am sure he will be able to answer any questions you may have about any aspect of this.

Dunbar Lutheran church will again be hosting a Blüthner Concert on Saturday, June 26th, 2010 at 7:30 p.m.  The cost to attend this concert is $25.00 for adults and $15.00 for students.  The pianist is 20 year old Devon Juner.  This concert will be the season closing recital.  All are welcome to come and enjoy this classic grand piano concert.  If you want more information, please talk to me. 

Our council is working well and is united in working for our Lord and Saviour.  I continue to be impressed with the support and kindness of our congregation and that God has given us all the opportunity to work and worship together.  God bless us all and Pastor Thomas as our shepherd at Dunbar and please continue to keep Craig and Sarah in our prayers.

Hans Gust


Traditionally, the summer months are financially difficult ones for congregations. This is because when folks go on vacation their offerings have a tendency to go with them. Please remember that while you are on vacation, the ministry of the church continues. Writing post-dated cheques in advance of your vacation is a way of ensuring that your regular offering is made.
--a reminder from the stewardship committee


The Wrong Diet for Your Husband to Be on. He might love it…….but read on!


Large cup or coffee with heavy cream and white sugar. No fresh juice or fruit allowed.
At least two slices of white spongy toasted bread with butter, the more, the better.
Top it with jam bought in the store {don't read the label for ingredients content}
The more preservatives, the better.
In medium size plate, place four or more strips of bacon, “fried of course”, two scrambled eggs done with the bacon drippings, salt for sharper taste and don't forget to decorate it with lots of Ketchup. This will start him on his way to become overweight and high blood pressure.

Mid-morning snack:

A strong cup of black coffee with cream and white sugar. One slice of Black Forest cake or large muffin will do. Top it with whip cream. This is excellent for artery blockage.
If he feels a bit tired and wishes to sit in front of the TV set, please do not go against his wishes, the less he does, the sooner his arteries will clog and the sooner you will get rid of him!


Canned soup with preservatives and mono-sodium glutamate {excellent for the body, heart and arteries and may even be a good help for premature cancer} served with a sandwich made with that white spongy bread filled with over salted cured colds meat cuts and lots of mayonnaise. After lunch, encourage him to nap for at least an hour, that way the fat will accumulate in his body and he will become overweight sooner than planned. Heart arteries will plug faster.

Mid afternoon snack:

Give him all the cheese he desires, salted crackers and cold beer, the colder, the better. This will cause the fat to harden and become more difficult to digest it or to lose weight.
He can sit in front of the TV set again. Don't forget to give him a bowl of chips to munch while he watches television.

Dinner time:

An option of pork chops or steak at least an inch thick. Serve with a generous amount of mashed potatoes with butter, white gummy buns and lots of gravy made with left over bacon drippings. No salad allowed, the lack of fiber in his body will set the scenario for constipation and colon cancer?


Ice cream with cookies or a generous slice of that beautiful Black Forest cake topped with more ice cream or whip cream, excellent for diabetes. After such a tasty dinner, encourage him to watch the evening news, bring him a cup of coffee with all the trimmings or one more of those cold beers....

No walks or exercise permitted, this will speed up his illnesses and lead him to the land of no return before his time....

Almost forgot about that much needed bedtime snack....A good cup of hot chocolate with delicious whip cream and cookies is essential for his cholesterol especially at bedtime. Yes!

Now, if you really love your husband and want to be at his side for many years, prepare wholesome meals using a minimum of fats or oils, small amounts of red meat rather then large portions, more fish and poultry than pork, lots of fruit and vegetables, whole grain breads and pastries, no gravy or heavy sauces. Any kind of exercise at least three times a week, half to one hour walks a day, plenty of drinking water instead of black teas, beer black coffee or wine. But more than anything, give him your love and thank God for your husband. Good luck and may you both live long, healthy and happy live together.

Wishing you well. Gigi

PLANNERS NEEDED!  We are planning a block party, as part of a “rally weekend”, September 18-19. We envision this as a time for a great time and a great opportunity to outreach to the surrounding community. But we need to start early! Please speak to  Ute or Pastor Thomas if you are interested in helping


Letters to the Pastor
Dear Pastor, I know God loves everybody but He never met my sister.
Yours sincerely, Arnold. Age 8, Nashville.

Dear Pastor, My father should be a minister. Every day he gives us a sermon about something.
Robert, Age 11, Anderson.

Dear Pastor, I'm sorry I can't leave more money in the plate, but my father didn't give me a raise in my allowance. Could you have a sermon about a raise in my allowance?
Love, Patty. Age 10, New Haven

Dear Pastor, My mother is very religious. She goes to play bingo at church every week even if she has a cold. Yours truly,
Annette. Age 9, Albany

Dear Pastor, I think a lot more people would come to your church if you moved it to Disneyland.
Loreen. Age 9. Tacoma

Dear Pastor, Please say a prayer for our Little League team. We need God's help or a new pitcher.
Thank you.
Alexander. Age 10, Raleigh

Dear Pastor, My father says I should learn the Ten Commandments. But I don't think I want to because we have enough rules already in my house.
Joshua. Age 10, South Pasadena

Dear Pastor, I liked your sermon on Sunday. Especially when it was finished.
Ralph, Age 11, Akron

June July service schedule:
         Readers:          Communion Servers:
June 27     ?                    Don Simpson
July 4 Marie Frick
July 11  Ute Gust               Hans Gust
July 18 Carmen Funk
July 25 Don Simpson          Don Simpson