Friday, October 30, 2009

Dunbar loses one of its pillars.

Dear friends in Christ:

On Monday, October 26, Dunbar Lutheran Church lost its longest standing member when Mrs. Alma Lawrence died. Alma passed away peacefully in Vancouver General Hospital surrounded by her three sons: Ronald, Richard, and Roger. It was a privilege to have known Alma, a model of Christian faith and love, even for a short while. I will forever carry with me her prayers and support. The Dunbar Community will come together Monday, November 2, 1:00pm, to grieve her loss, celebrate her life, and commend her to the Lord and Saviour who so richly blessed her during the course of her earthly life.

Peace be with you,
Pastor Thomas

Monday, October 26, 2009

James Nestingen on Luther's Bondage of the Will.

Here is an informal lecture given by American Lutheran theologian, James Nestingen, on one of Martin Luther's most famous works, The Bondage of the Will, which was a response to Erasmus' treatise asserting that the will was instrumental in salvation. Nestigen's commentary is provocative, and not for the bashful!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Martin Luther: The Just Shall Live by Faith!

Rawling Brothers at Dunbar!

Christian Country Band, the Rawling Brothers, will be performing at Dunbar Lutheran Church, Wednesday, November 4, 7:00 pm.  Admission: voluntary donation.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Meeting Mikhail

Yesterday, pastors from the Greater Vancouver Conference, BC Synod, met for their monthly ministerial meeting. The purpose of these meetings is to worship together, offer mutual support, plan, and discuss important matters pertaining to the life of the conference.

Yesterday's meeting was held at First Lutheran, Vancouver. As many folks have heard, First Lutheran has given sanctuary to Mr. Mikhail Lennikov, ordered deported to Russia by the Canadian Federal Government. This deportation would most certainly mean imprisonment in Russia and probably permanent separation from his wife and son. The members of First Lutheran have stood solidly by the Lennikovs. It has been over four months now since Mikhail has taken sanctuary in the parish--over four months since he has stepped outside the walls of the church. Up until recently he lived in the basement, but a flood has forced him to take up residence in the church balcony.

Far from being a mere gesture of charity, or a romantic whim, the congregation of First Lutheran has stood by Mikhail--and has stood by him for the long haul. The plight of the Lennikov's has become the plight of First Lutheran, as the community as stood in solidarity for the cause of justice. This has entailed fatigue, disappointment, and set-back. But within that joy is to be found, the joy of community. Pastor Richard Hergeishemer recognizes the contribution of members in ministering to Mikhail; but also points out how Mikhail has ministered to other members, and how God is truly present, working in this situation.

Yesterday was my first opportunity to meet Mikhail--to meet the man behind the high publicity story, and I am grateful for that opportunity.

Please check out Mikhail's blog:

Please keep Mikhail, his family, and the people of First Lutheran, in your prayers.

Pastor Thomas

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Important News from SUMS (Surrey Urban Mission Society)

Today, Pastor Bob Goos, St Paul's Lutheran Church, Maple Ridge, has some wonderful news to share with the BC Synod, ELCIC.


What a beautiful day and I wanted to share with the whole synod family
some news about what happened today.


On October 8, Jonquil Hallgate of SUMS received a grant for $50,000 from
Surrey Homelessness and Housing Society for a new program entitled
"Building Bridges For LIFE (Living Independently For Life)". In total,
$245,000 in grants was distributed to five agencies that work to address
issues of homelessness in Surrey.

That grant to SUMS is to enable a pilot project that will match
individuals with established lives and a network system with people who
have been homeless and have been or will be place in permanent
accommodation in Surrey. The goal of the project is to assist newly
housed homeless to regain freedom, equality and control in their lives
and to become valued in relationships and opportunities of community life.

The plan is to help develop networks of "Intentional Friendships" to
insure that people have support and can move forward in a positive
manner. It is hoped that the church community will be able to provide
some of these "Intentional Friendships" so that strangers may become

For more information, to volunteer or to contribute to the Mission, call
Jonquil at (604) 581-5172 or e-mail us a Check us out
on the web at

We invite your prayers for this new endeavor!

Bob Goos - Chair
Surrey Urban Mission