Saturday, November 21, 2009

Find Peace during the hectic holidays!

Laughter, get-togethers, family time, gift giving—these have come to define  what the holiday season should be like. But beneath the laughter and cheer, there can be a lot of pain and heartache. Economic stress, family conflict, painful memories, loneliness, acute grief—these also define Christmas for many people. Late December is, for many folks far from a “Holly Jolly Time”. Sadly, some dismiss Christmas altogether. 

Joy is available! True joy! This joy does not come from the commercialized cliché driven marketing craze which defines what Christmas has sadly become in this society, but from the one who brings joy like none other: Jesus Christ, whose birth we Christians celebrate on December 25th. Leading up to the nativity of our Lord, we celebrate Advent as a time of anticipation. Please join us for Special mid week Advent services, which emphasize spiritual healing and peace:  Wednesdays, 8:00 pm,  December 2, 9, 16. Non-perishable food items, as well as a monetary offering will be collected and donated to LUMS--Lutheran Urban Mission Society.