Monday, November 21, 2011


Sunday, November 27th, is the first Sunday in the season of Advent, the season of anticipation.
Advent is the  church season which leads to Christmas. But it is more than a "lead up" to merry-making and present-opening. Come and find out the true meaning of Advent.
        Please join us  for  Advent services, Sunday, 10:30am.
        Each Sunday in Advent, Pastor Thomas will be preaching on the meaning on the Advent Wreath, beginning with a discussion of the first lit, purple, candle--the candle of the hope. What is hope? How can true hope be realized in the world and in our lives? How can one experience ultimate hope in  what can seem to be a hopeless world?
        These questions will be answered this upcoming Sunday in the first series of advent sermons. Laying on of hands and prayers of healing will also be offered during the course of Advent. Please note the following dates and themes.

November 27th: Hope. (First Purple Candle)
December 4th:   Preparation (Second Purple Candle)
December 11th: Joy(Pink Candle)
December 18th: Love( Third Purple Candle)