Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Christmas at Surrey Urban Mission

Christmas at Surrey Urban Mission

Christmas brought an abundance of blessings at Surrey Urban Mission.  On 
Christmas Day a feast was served to 200 people by 78 volunteers from 
high schools, churches and community groups!  That same day 150 new 
backpacks filled with new clothing, toiletries and other special gifts 
were delivered by  the firefighter, paramedics,  police and Sexual 
Assault Nurses who work in the community.  Then a local dry cleaning 
firm delivered 30 bags of blankets and clothing that had not been picked 
up over the past months.  A special blessing was the gift of 30 quilts 
from the quilters at Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church - these were 
especially appreciated during the 5 nights SUMS was open during the cold 
weather.  We recently acquired a storage unit that is now full of 
clothes and other articles for which we are extremely thankful.

The outpouring of food and blankets and clothing over the 
Advent/Christmas season has warmed both bodies and hearts.  Now as we 
enter into the real winter season, we invite people to consider a 
donation through your offerings to Surrey Urban Mission Society so that 
this work of being in mission to others may continue.  Check out our 
website for more information. 

Truly the light of Christ is shining in a place where darkness has 

Bob Goos
Chair - SUMS