Thursday, January 28, 2010

LWF Updates from Haiti

LWF Updates from Haiti
CLWR Haiti Appeal reaches $250,000

Winnipeg, January 28, 2010 – Below are updates received from the Act Alliance (Action by Churches Together) on the work being carried out by the Lutheran World Federation in Haiti.

Bobby Waddell, a LWF staff member on the ground in Haiti , is providing brief updates and observations on the situation in Haiti on Twitter. The link is

Pastor Livenson Lauvanus of the Lutheran Church in Haiti has posted a message on YouTube. To view the message, go to

Donations to the Canadian Lutheran World Relief Appeal for Haiti are supporting the work of the LWF and the ACT Alliance. As of January 27, donations received by CLWR have surpassed the $250,000 mark.

For a PDF version of this release including photographs, click here.

Updates on LWF activity in Haiti provided by the ACT Alliance

January 25

Port au Prince: LWF is already distributing water in three temporary settlements in Petionville, including St Theresse and Nerette. Water bladders with capacity of 20,000 litres have been installed in St Theresse and tanks of water are in process to be installed in Nerette.  Awareness about storage of water and sanitation has been provided to the community by two health promotion teams.  Cleaning implements for clearing the area where the settlement is based have been provided. In Nerette, LWF has already installed eight communal latrines, including separate latrines for children and women, to ensure their protection. Special attention is being given to people with disabilities who cannot reach the distributions of food and water. Female-headed households and mothers and babies are also a priority. In Petionville around 1700 families (around 10,000 people) have benefited by LWF intervention. Coordination with other INGOS working in the area is in process, as well as work with the municipality.  However, the latter is proving to be very fragile and creating confusion among NGO actors.

Outside Port au Prince: Last week (January 20-21) an assessment was made in Leogane and Gressier. In Leogane, LWF will work in two areas: Grande Riviere and Petite Riviere. This was further confirmed in two meetings in Leogane with local authorities on January 23 on coordination related to water and early recovery (especially the cash for work alternative promoted by the UNDP). The total population targeted is 8000 families. In Gressier, LWF will work supporting 800 families.

Another mission went to Gressier today (January 25) to determine, with the local partner, the areas to distribute tents donated by FCA and to plan further action during this week. On January 26, negotiations with the Municipality of Leogane to determine actions and map other actors who want to work in the rural areas will be held.  Few other actors will want to work in the rural areas as most attention is given to the city of Leogane .  On January 27, LWF is going on an assessment mission to Petit Goaves. LWF will also support displaced people who have moved to Thiotte, an area of work of its regular program.

Challenges still being faced are the logistics of acquiring materials and getting materials in place; coordination with government; lack of proper data – information

The main harbor of Haiti's capital of Port-au-Prince was devastated by the country's January 12 earthquake, complicating the daunting task of getting international assistance to the hundreds of thousands survivors who are homeless. Photo by Paul Jeffrey/ACT Alliance .

January 27

Petion-ville – St Therese - LWF is distributing 20,000 litres of water per day, around three litres per person.  Health promoters of the LWF team are finally succeeding in getting people to clean areas around water distribution.

 A homeless earthquake survivor constructs a temporary shelter in an already crowded soccer stadium in the Santa Teresa area of Petionville , Haiti . Hundreds of thousands of Haitians were left homeless by the January 12 quake. The Lutheran World Federation, a member of the ACT Alliance, is currently installing a water system for this community. Photos by Paul Jeffrey/ACT Alliance . 

Petion-ville – Nerette - Hot meals are being provided but people have expressed need for food items so they can cook their own food. It is important that food is bought locally. Four latrines are in place,  and eight more will be in place by January 27. Two trucks of water have been delivered.  Water tanks will be in place by tomorrow. The local committee is working well.  The primary group has now identified 154 families (medium of five members) to receive distributions.  Water distributions are working well. The health and hygiene/community mobilization team has been present.

Next days in Petion-ville - LWF is to put distribution systems in place. Planning and record keeping systems are underway. Distribution has been organised with preferential treatment for vulnerable people. Protection of the people has been organized by committees. Distribution of food, hygiene kits and baby kits is planned from January 28 onward. Distribution of water is controlled by the local committee and monitored by LWF staff.

Leogane - LWF has visited Leogane, covering the whole area from Gressier to Leogane. Coordination meetings from now on will be both in Leogane and Dinepa in Petion-ville. A meeting has been held with  mayor Santos Alexis.  LWF will work in the rural parts of Leogane, in the communes of Gran Riviere, Petite Riviere and Dessources. Assistance will be short, medium and longer term, including: shelter, water and sanitation, hygiene and non food items. Livelihoods are required as well as cash for work.